Sunday, September 11, 2011

Patriots, Chargers and Bat Busters.

September 11, 2001.  A day that is a reminder of what it means to be an American and the importance of family.  Today, 10 years later, the anniversary of this day is filled with things that make me proud to be an American, Chargers fan and a mom.

Here is how we do Patriot Day.

First - Add a second flag pole to the house, we cannot possibly choose between the Chargers flag and the American flag on September 11th.  Both must be represented.

Second  - Get up at o'dark hundred to prepare for a softball double header.  4S Bat Busters took on Poway for 5 hours and 2 very exciting softball games.  Each won a game.

Third - Watch the Chargers take on the Vikings and win.  We rushed home from softball to make snacks and watch football with family and friends.  It was loud, filling and fun.

Highlights from the game ~ Tolbert scores three touchdowns!  Has that ever happened?  Rivers threw for over 300 yards, but was intercepted twice.  I am afraid to look, but I am sure this affected my FF rating.  Sigh.   Matthews looked great.  I am starting to like this kid.  Of note, our skiddish kicker was carted off the field after the first kick was returned for a touchdown.  I'm not sure if he just got his feelings hurt or if it was a real injury.  Either way, we didn't need him.  Scifres did a fine job.

San Diego 24, Minnesota 17~ Right now, we are number 1 in the AFC West, yeah!  Thanks to the Chiefs for sucking bad today.

Fourth - Get ready for Sunday night football, Monday night football and more fun! 

ChargerGirl Cindi


  1. :) I forgot to mention the yummy guac, salsa and queso that has been consumed for the last 7 hours.... mmmmm, happy tummy.
